PinnedMinho Janginryanjang-devnotesMy Journey Through the Startup Death Valley — 2A true story of a software engineer who survived his company’s Death Valley and achieved success.Aug 21Aug 21
PinnedMinho Janginryanjang-devnotesA Start-up SWE’s Retrospective on Navigating the Death Valley — 1A True Story of a Software Engineer Surviving His Company’s Death ValleyJul 26Jul 26
Minho Janginryanjang-devnotesCI/CD Hands-On: Github (Actions) + AWS (EC2, CodeDeploy, S3) — Part 2This story is a hands-on which explains how to upgrade your CI/CD pipeline with AWS services.Mar 22, 20221Mar 22, 20221
Minho Janginryanjang-devnotesCI/CD Hands-On: Github (Actions) + AWS (EC2, CodeDeploy, S3) — Part 1In this story, we’ll consider the problems of docker dependent CI/CD pipeline and how to improve the architecture.Mar 20, 2022Mar 20, 2022
Minho Janginryanjang-devnotesInteresting DAOs Top3DeFi 거버넌스의 한 부분으로서 DAO들은 구성원들 전체가 소유하고 조직한인터넷에서 태생된 조직들입니다. DAO는 사용자들이 서로 알지 못하더라도 사회 단체를 꾸리고, 고유의 규칙을 만들고, 그리고 블록체인을 통해 자동적으로 그들만의 결정들을…Feb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Minho Janginryanjang-devnotesRabbitMQ 101In this article, we will be learning the concept of RabbitMQ and how it works briefly.Feb 16, 2022Feb 16, 2022
Minho Janginryanjang-devnotesCI/CD Hands-On : Github Actions+Docker Hub+AWS EC2In this Hands-on session, we will be learning how to make a CI/CD with the composition of Github Actions, Docker and AWS EC2Feb 16, 20223Feb 16, 20223
Minho Janginryanjang-devnotes[JAVA] History of EnumIn this post, we will be talking about the history of Enum in JavaSep 26, 2021Sep 26, 2021